Asked by Shruthi on 26/09/2023 17:46 PM
Expecting mothers are recommended to avoid not just laser hair removal, but also other laser and aesthetic procedures during pregnancy. Here are a few reasons why:
● Hormonal changes: During pregnancy, hormonal changes like increased estrogen and progesterone can cause increased hair growth, which can make hair removal more challenging. These hormonal changes can also affect the sensitivity of your skin. Laser hair removal results thus become unpredictable.
● Lack of safety data: There is limited safety data available on the effects of laser hair removal during pregnancy. It is difficult to determine the potential risks to the baby, and hence advisable to err on the side of caution.
● Risk of burns: Laser hair removal involves the use of high-energy light beams that can cause burns, blistering, or skin discoloration. Pregnant women may be more prone to burns due to increased sensitivity and changes in their skin.
● Possible effects on the fetus: The laser energy used during hair removal could potentially affect the baby, as it is not known if or how it may affect fetal development.
● Concerns about skin damage: The skin of pregnant women may be more sensitive to damage and scarring due to hormonal changes and stretch marks. Laser parameter safety becomes unreliable due to this.
It is best to avoid laser treatments during pregnancy and wait until after delivery to resume the procedure, after consulting with your dermatologist and obstetrician.
Answered on 26/09/2023 17:46 PM
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Dr. Debatri Datta