Asked by Anukhya on 26/10/2023 15:09 PM
Melasma is a stubborn disease that often refuses to respond to over-the-counter creams and products. Your dermatologist can help you by suggesting other treatments to try and counter the problem. A medical-grade sunscreen with proper method of use is the most important. Next step is trying out topical medications like hydroquinone, glycolic acid, tretinoin, kojic acid etc. Oral medicines like tranexamic acid can be added. Procedural treatments can help in resistant cases. Chemical peels with glycolic acid, trichloroacetic acid etc. can exfoliate the superficial skin layers to remove pigmentation. Laser therapy and IPL therapy can target deeper pigmentation not responding to other treatments. Your dermatologist may give you a combination of the above treatments for better efficacy as well.
Answered on 26/10/2023 15:09 PM
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Dr. Midhuna P V
MBBS, MD - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy