Asked by Shital on 26/10/2023 15:32 PM
Stretch marks a common sight in pregnancy. They commonly occur in abdomen and breast as red to white glistening marks sometimes itchy in tendency. They can also occur in case of rapid weight changes or growth spurts or steroid use over long time. When stretch marks are developing or have developed recently, they can respond to creams and local treatments. Start with local application of massage oils like bio oil and moisturize daily. Topicals like tretinoin, glycolic acid etc can be given to improve recent red stretch marks. Established old stretch marks and those not responding to local treatments may be treated with procedures like microneedling radiofrequency or fractional ablative lasers. These act by stimulating collagen production in the areas of stretched skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks. However, no treatment is 100% effective and response can be different from person to person. Please visit a dermatologist for detailed opinion on your stretch mark treatment.
Answered on 26/10/2023 15:32 PM
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Dr. K Prathyusha
MBBS, MD - Dermatology, Venereology & Leprosy