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2022 Trends For Glowing And Healthy Skin

Top 5 Skin care trends for 2022
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    With the COVID-19 pandemic taking control of our lives for the last two years, elaborate do-it-yourself or DIY skincare routines were in. This year, however, skincare trends are different. 2022 skincare routines are holistic yet simple, with a healthy lifestyle transformation as a bonus.
    Keep reading!

    Top Skincare Trends For 2022:


    Skin minimalism tops the list of skincare trends this year. An elaborate, many-step skincare regimen was the routine during the lockdown in 2020, but that is passé. As we must not step out of our homes without a mask to protect ourselves and those around us, it is time to be skinimalistic.

    What Is Skinimalism?

    Dermatologist-approved skinimalism is all about embracing the natural state of your skin and working to protect its health as per its unique needs. You can customise your skinimalistic skincare plan, preferably with the help of an expert dermatologist.

    Using fewer products best suited to your skin health and limiting the number of your make-up products for bright and glowing skin is what skinimalism is all about. The approach is in-depth and helps you identify underlying skin concerns and attend to them accordingly. This doesn’t mean you have to dispose of your make-up products. You can use them occasionally, but a skinimalistic skincare regimen will stop you from hoarding more products.

    Skinimalism is also going to be the top trend this year as it works as an antidote to the maskne (acne breakouts due to prolonged usage of masks) trouble we have all been facing in the last couple of years. Skipping makeup helps prevent breakouts while appropriate products will significantly enhance your skin health.

    Bottom line: Choose quality and care over quantity and chaos!

    Sample Skinimalistic Routine

    Morning: Cleanse > Moisturise > Apply sunscreen (Include few make-up products or opt for a clean, no-makeup look.)
    Night: Cleanse thoroughly > Moisturise
    Exfoliate at regular intervals
    Be in touch with your dermatologist

    Holistic, Inside-Outside Approach

    Combine skinimalism with an inside-outside approach to care for your skin and there is no turning back! This is the next big skincare trend for 2022 and aligns one hundred per cent with the post-pandemic, healthy lifestyle that experts have been recommending us to cultivate. Skincare is also an essential step towards self-care as the skin is the first and the largest protective barrier of the human body. Thus, taking appropriate care of your skin enhances your overall well-being.

    What Is A Holistic Skincare Approach?

    Recommended by expert dermatologists, the holistic skincare approach is to delve deep and identify your skin type, its unique needs, any underlying causes that may be contributing to its health and thereby get the suitable treatment. When you opt for this kind of skincare, a qualified dermatologist will study your skin thoroughly and prescribe all that your body needs to nourish it. These may include oral supplements, topical applications, dietary changes, fitness advice and some key lifestyle changes. This kind of comprehensive approach will enhance your skin health and improve your wellness on the whole.
    In the post-pandemic time we are living in, this approach to skincare is highly relevant as it contributes to creating a long-lasting healthy lifestyle.

    So, should you follow this trend?

    Yes, we highly recommend that you do.
    Consult a dermatologist and begin your holistic skincare now!

    Learn About Your Products

    As you find a specialist to guide you through your skincare regimen, make sure that you learn about the nature and composition of the products prescribed to you. Learning about the ingredients in the products and their effect on your unique skin type is among the skincare trends of 2022. Besides, it is also a great way to take ownership of your skincare with the close support of an expert. An experienced dermatologist and a thorough professional will ensure that you understand everything about the products and treatments she prescribes to you.

    Advanced Skincare Treatments

    As we are going the minimalistic way, opting for medically-approved, science-backed treatments, which use advanced technology is also on the list of skincare trends this year. These treatments are a sustainable investment with long-lasting results. Advanced treatments are now accessible and 100% safe with the evolution of innovative technology, as long as you choose the right service providers. Unlike treatments provided at salons, these skin treatments use USFDA-approved methods and technologies and only specially-trained dermatologists perform them.
    Oliva Skin & Hair Clinic offers advanced skin care treatments performed by qualified and experienced dermatologists. Oliva’s procedures are non-invasive, customised to every client, and powered by the latest technology. Thus, they have a long-lasting, positive impact on your skin. They are effective in improving skin texture, reducing scarring, pigmentation among others, making your skin look young, healthy and glowing. All this while retaining your natural skin characteristics.

    Here is a peek into a couple of treatments offered at Oliva:

    • Laser Skin Resurfacing:

    Doctors at Oliva use state-of-the-art fractionated Erbium YAG laser in this process, which stimulates collagen production and significantly improves the quality and appearance of your skin.

    • Micro-needling Radiofrequency (MNRF):

    In this procedure, doctors use radiofrequency energy, which helps in scar correction and enhances your skin texture too.


    For more information on custom-made treatments for specific skin-related concerns, visit us at www.olivaclinic.com

    How To Make The Right Choice?

    Before you opt for these advanced treatments, make sure they meet the following criteria:
    • Check if experienced and qualified dermatologists perform the treatments. When dermatologists perform the treatments, they are medically approved and scientifically proven to work.
    • Check if the results are instant. If yes, they may be fraudulent as quality treatments take time and a certain number of sessions. The results also vary from person to person and are sustainable.
    • Find out about the technology before making a choice: they must be USFDA-approved.
    • Lastly, opt for skin treatments, which promise to transform your skin health and quality while retaining your natural beauty. Embracing your unique skin type is the most important trend of 2022!

    Find Your Dermatologist

    Finding a dermatologist and building a long-term relationship with her is important. Having a qualified professional to help you with any skincare troubles you may face is very 2022! Seeking a professional dermatologist’s care only when you have severe skin issues, is nothing but a myth. On the other hand, having accessible, timely guidance to improve your skin health and meet your skincare goals is the new trend! Besides this, you can also prevent your skin health from deteriorating.

    Moreover, when you have someone trustworthy to ensure you are on the right track, you will be motivated and consistent, thereby achieving the results you desire.


    It is best to consult an experienced dermatologist before starting or changing your skincare regimen.


    That is all that you need to know about 2022 skincare trends. You are now ready to begin your skincare regimen to protect your skin and improve your physical and mental well-being.

    So, why wait? Follow this article and begin your skincare right away!

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