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The Best Skin Care Routine During Pregnancy

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    Pregnancy is an important milestone in a woman’s life. Congratulations to all those soon-to-be-mothers reading this post. While the cliché is your skin has a glow while you carry, this seems to be true in only certain cases. There are several skin problems that can manifest when you carry a child. So it is essential to understand the basics of skin care during pregnancy.

    Skin Problems During Pregnancy And Their Solutions

    Bear in mind that since pregnancy is a delicate condition, it is always advisable to consult your doctor before you try any of the solutions provided. Also follow effective skin care during pregnancy to ensure that there is no negative impact on your skin.

    • Acne – Acne is one of the most common skin problems during pregnancy which usually occurs due to the progesterone hormone. Acne can occur at any time during your pregnancy and can range from mild to severe. The breakout can occur anywhere – on your face, chest, back, etc.
      Solution for Acne during pregnancy – Make sure you follow a cleansing ritual every day to keep the acne breakout at a minimum. Use cleansers containing alpha-hydroxy acid which are easily available over-the-counter.

    Also Read: What Causes Acne During Pregnancy & How To Cure It?

    • Melasma – Another common problem is skin darkening during pregnancy. Also, known as the mask of pregnancy, this occurs when there is an excess production of melanin in the skin which is caused due to the increase in estrogen levels. The common body parts affected by this skin problem are the forehead, cheeks, nose and upper lip. In most cases, the melasma will fade once you have given birth.
      Solution for Melasma during pregnancy – Try to avoid sun exposure as much as you can. Use sunscreens with an SPF above 30 whenever you are going out. You should also use creams which contain lactic acid, glycolic acid, and Vitamin C. Consult a dermatologist to find the right cream for your skin type.
    • Varicose Veins / Spider Angiomas – Swollen, purple or bluish veins on your legs are known as varicose veins while red veins resembling spider legs are known as spider angiomas and are basically a collection of tiny dilated blood vessels. During pregnancy, the veins present underneath our skin become more visible and you will notice varicose veins mostly on your legs and spider angiomas mostly on your face, torso or legs. These occur because there is more pressure on your blood veins. Since the blood vessels do not have ample time to relax, they show up in the form of these skin conditions.
      Solutionfor Vericose Veins During Pregnancy– These problems will gradually disappear after you have given birth. However, if the condition is severe, then consult your Dermatologist who might recommend injections. You can also start exercising, resting your legs while sitting, taking breaks and avoid standing or sitting for too long, getting sufficient sleep, and similar healthy lifestyle habits.
    • Dry Skin – The most common cause of dry skin during pregnancy is a hormonal imbalance. Your skin becomes over-sensitive leading to the extra dryness of the skin. The dry skin problem usually affects the skin all over your body.
      Solution for dry skin during pregnancy– Keep yourself sufficiently hydrated by drinking lots of water. You can also use hydrating creams to keep your skin moisturized. Avoid taking a bath with extremely hot water as it can lead to further drying of the skin.

    Also Read: What Causes Dry Skin?

    • Itchiness – Your dry skin will often be accompanied by itchiness during pregnancy. Again, the increase in the estrogen level is what causes it. The area around your belly, breasts, and legs are prone to itchiness during pregnancy.
      Solution for itchy skin during pregnancy – Use topical creams to gain relief, wear cotton clothes, avoid sun exposure and hot water baths.
    • Rashes – All that itchiness can lead to skin rashes during pregnancy. Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPP) is a common rash which commonly appears on the abdomen area. Genetics and hormonal changes are considered to be the major cause of these rashes. They are red bumps and hives which start out small in size but can develop into larger patches.
      Solution for skin rashes during pregnancy – Use a cold compress to reduce the PUPP rashes or apply some topical ointments. If the rashes are turning severe, then consult your doctor who can recommend a suitable treatment method.
    • Stretch Marks – They occur during the last trimester of your pregnancy and mostly on your abdomen. The increase in weight or loss of fat results in the development of stretch marks. The hips, thighs, buttocks, and breasts are other body parts where you might develop stretch marks.
      Solution for stretch marks during pregnancy– To reduce the redness of the stretch marks, ensure that you keep moisturizing the affected body parts.

    Also Read: How To Remove Pregnancy Stretch Marks?

    Apart from these common skin problems during pregnancy; mole changing, linea nigra, discoloration of the skin, skin tags, etc. may also occur.

    Skin Care Tips During Pregnancy

    Diligently following a pregnancy skin care routine, can help in keeping all the skin problems to a minimum.

    • Be Prepared – Stock up on cleansers, moisturizers, sunscreens, topical ointments, etc.
    • Avoid Chemicals – Avoid using products which contain harmful chemicals such as nail polish, nail polish remover, medications such as Retin-A or isotretinoin, tanning products, etc.
    • Skin Care Products – Always check the labels of the products that you are buying to ensure that they suit your skin type during pregnancy.
    • Stress – Avoid anything stressful as far as possible. It can lead to skin problems and also affect the health of your baby. Try and set some time aside for meditation to calm yourself.
    • Sleep – Getting the right amount of sleep is the best way to keep all your skin problems at bay during your pregnancy.

    We hope that this post alleviates all your concerns regarding the problems and skin care during pregnancy. You can now focus all your time and energy in enjoying the pregnancy phase rather than worrying about the skin problems!

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    About The Author

    Kushneet Kukreja

    A postgraduate in Biotechnology from Kingston University and an ISSA Certified Specialist in Fitness & Nutrition, Kushneet Kukreja is a passionate writer who works in close association with the dermatologists at our head office to generate valuable and scientifically accurate content for our blog.