PRP Hair Treatment In Greater Kailash: Cost, Procedure & Results


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    Hair-related issues, such as hair fall and hair loss, are a growing concern among people of all genders and age groups. Losing 50-100 hair strands every day is normal, but excessive hair loss is an alarming situation that needs immediate attention. If you want to combat hair loss and restore hair growth, Oliva Clinic at Greater Kailash is your trusted partner. At Oliva, we offer advanced hair loss treatments designed to address the root cause of your hair concerns using the latest medical technology and techniques. Whether you are experiencing hair thinning, significant hair loss, or balding patches, our team of expert dermatologists is here to help. We offer cutting-edge solutions like PRP therapy tailored to your unique needs. Our personalised care and state-of-the-art technology ensure natural, effective and lasting results. Discover how Oliva Clinic can transform your hair health and regrow your hair growth naturally. Welcome to Oliva Clinic, your premier destination for PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatment in Greater Kailash, Delhi.

    What is PRP Therapy?

    The PRP (Platelet-rich plasma) therapy is a minimally invasive hair loss treatment that involves injecting concentrated platelets into the scalp. This treatment helps manage androgenetic alopecia in men and women. PRP is the best method to reverse the early stages of balding and promote natural hair regrowth.

    How Does PRP Treatment Work?

    PRP therapy involves drawing a blood sample from the client and extracting the plasma rich in platelets using the centrifuge technique. The dermatologists then inject the platelet-rich plasma containing growth factors into the client’s scalp. This process promotes healing and stimulates hair regrowth, thereby potentially reversing hair loss and growing new hair.

    Why Choose Oliva Clinic for PRP Treatment In Greater Kailash?

    Oliva Clinic in Greater Kailash is a perfect blend of expertise, advanced technology, personalised care, and proven results. Choosing Oliva Clinic for your PRP treatment ensures you are in safe hands. Our clinic in Greater Kailash is renowned for

    • Expert Dermatologists: Our team at Oliva Clinic comprises certified dermatologists, each with a wealth of experience in PRP therapy. Our experts ensure that you receive the highest-quality care and optimal results. You can trust that your hair health is in the hands of the best.
    • Advanced Technology: At Oliva, we use USFDA-approved equipment and advanced technology to ensure optimal results for natural hair growth.
    • Personalised Care: At Oliva Clinic, we understand that each individual’s hair concerns are unique. e tailor every treatment plan to meet your specific needs and aesthetic goals. Your satisfaction is our priority.
    • Sterile Environment: We adhere to the highest hygiene and safety standards, ensuring a sterile environment for every procedure.
    • Proven Results: Our track record of performing 1,08,500+ successful PRP procedures is a testament to the effectiveness of our PRP therapy. You can be confident that you are choosing a treatment that works.
    • No 1 Dermatology Clinic: Oliva Clinic earned recognition as the No. 1 Dermatology Clinic in the country by the Times of India.

    Benefits of PRP Treatment at Oliva Clinic

    PRP therapy at Oliva Clinic in Greater Kailash offers numerous benefits:

    • No Side Effects: PRP uses your own blood, hence reducing the risk of allergic reactions and promoting natural healing.
    • Effective Hair Restoration: When administered to the scalp, platelet-rich plasma stimulates hair follicles, encouraging new growth and thicker, healthier hair.
    • Minimally Invasive: PRP therapy is a minimally invasive hair loss treatment with minimal downtime. You can resume your daily activities soon after treatment.
    • Long-Lasting Results: PRP therapy helps with increased hair density, reduced hair fall, and enhanced hair quality.

    Must Read: PRP Hair Treatment In Delhi

    PRP Hair Loss Treatment Before & After Results

    Check out our before-and-after images of our clients who have experienced significant improvements in hair density and quality after undergoing PRP treatment at Oliva Clinic.


    How Much Does PRP Hair Loss Treatment Cost In GK, Delhi?

    The cost of PRP hair loss treatment at Oliva Clinic in Greater Kailash varies for individuals depending on the severity of hair loss, hair growth, the technology used and the number of sessions required. On average, the PRP treatment cost ranges from INR 5,500 to INR 11,500 per session.


    The prices above indicate the market costs and are subject to change. We recommend booking a consultation with our specialists for an exact estimation of the customised PRP treatment.

    What to Expect During Your Visit to Oliva Clinic For PRP?

    During your visit to Oliva Clinic for PRP treatment at Greater Kailash, you can expect the following:

    • Comprehensive Consultation: A one-on-one consultation with our expert dermato-trichologist who will thoroughly asses your hair and skin condition.
    • Customised Treatment Plan: After the evaluation, they create a personalised treatment plan tailored to each individual’s needs for the best results.
    • Pre-care Guidance: Dermato-trichologists at Oliva meticulously provide comprehensive pre-care instructions, ensuring you achieve the best possible results while minimising potential risks.
    • Treatment Procedure: The doctors at Oliva perform the PRP procedure in a comfortable setting, ensuring minimal discomfort. Moreover, they will guide you through each step, providing a smooth and stress-free experience.
    • Post-Treatment Support: The dermato-trichologists provide detailed aftercare instructions to the clients to maximise the effectiveness of the treatment

    Why Greater Kailash Residents Love Oliva Clinic For PRP?

    Oliva Clinic is the most preferred clinic for PRP treatments for the residents of Greater Kailash for the following reasons:

    • Convenient Location: Our clinic’s prime location in Greater Kailash makes it easily accessible for residents, offering a convenient and hassle-free experience.
    • Trusted Clinic: Oliva Clinic is a well-established clinic known for its high standards, state-of-the-art infrastructure, clinical expertise, 7,00,000 client base, and exceptional results, with an unparalleled client satisfaction rate of 91%.
    • Client-Centric Approach: At Oliva Clinic, we prioritise client satisfaction through personalised care, ensuring each treatment is tailored to meet your unique needs and goals for optimal results.
    • Friendly Staff: Our courteous and knowledgeable staff ensures that every visit is pleasant and comfortable, providing a welcoming atmosphere to all our clients.

    How to Get Started?

    Book An Appointment online or call us at 📞82978 82978 to consult our dermatologists for a detailed evaluation and personalised treatment plan. Start your PRP therapy sessions with our expert team and take the first step towards restoring your hair growth and volume.

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    About The Author

    Kushneet Kukreja

    Kushneet Kukreja

    A postgraduate in Biotechnology from Kingston University and an ISSA Certified Specialist in Fitness & Nutrition, Kushneet Kukreja is a passionate writer who works in close association with the dermatologists at our head office to generate valuable and scientifically accurate content for our blog.

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