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Open Pores On Face: Causes, Treatment, Cost and Prevention Tips

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    Are you noticing an increasing number of open pores on your face? Do you feel that it is adding years to your appearance? This dermatological concern may arise due to various factors like an increase in the production of sebum or cutaneous ageing. Read on to know more about the best treatment options available to treat this common skin issue.

    What Causes Enlarged Pores On Face?

    The term open pores refer to the topographic changes on the surface of the skin that may be visible to the naked eye. These pores often get plugged with dirt, bacteria, oil and dead skin. When the clogged pore is exposed to air, it oxidizes, resulting in the development of blackheads, and eventually leading to acne. Inflammatory acne can also lead to the enlargement of these pores. These pores may occur on your face around the forehead, nose, chin or cheek region. The presence and distribution of pores are determined by genetics, ethnicity, age, sex, and the quality of the skin.

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    How To Get Rid Of Open Pores On Face?

    In the process of treating open pores on the face, people end up using products that cause more harm than good. Instead of minimizing the pores, these products end up worsening your condition. This is why it is important to find out the right cause of your large pores and then treat accordingly.

    Your dermatologist is the best person to do this. He or she might suggest any of the following treatments reduce the appearance of enlarged pores.

    • Laser Treatment: Laser treatments have gained immense popularity in dermatology for their versatility. They work by boosting collagen production in the skin. This treatment is especially effective in treating the pores occurring because of ageing. The best thing about lasers is they have no downtime.

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    • Retinoids: Another way of reducing the size of open pores is with the help of retinoids, both oral and topical. This method also helps in tackling the production of excess oil. These medicines are prescription-only, and their use is to be supervised by a doctor.
    • Comedone Extraction:  An expert dermatologist precisely extricates persistent blackheads and whiteheads from open pores with an instrument, reducing their size on the nose, chin, and cheeks.
    • AFT Technology: The Advanced Fluorescence Technology (ATF) has no downtime and no side effects. A light-based device penetrates deep into the skin, stimulating the formation of collagen and new skin cells. The result of this skin-rejuvenating treatment is brighter and fresher looking skin.

    Open Pores Treatment Cost In India

    Reputed clinics in India charges between Rs 5,000 to Rs 7,000 per session of laser treatment. Based on the severity of your pores, type of procedure and number of sessions are decided. Medication and creams are charged additionally.


    Please note that the prices mentioned are indicative and may vary depending on the specific treatment, choice of technology, and underlying skin or hair conditions. Prices are also subject to change based on ongoing promotions or offers at the clinic. For an accurate estimate, please consult with our dermatologist.

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    Facial Pores Treatment Before And After Results

    How To Prevent Facial Pores? 

    • Ensure that your diet contains adequate fruits and vegetables.
    • Avoid foods that have a high glycemic index.
    • Use a mild cleanser, twice in a day, in order to keep the pores clean.
    • Remove dead skin by exfoliating on a regular basis.
    • Keep the pores clear by indulging in deep-pore cleansing at least once in a month.
    • Always remember to wipe off your makeup before sleeping.
    • Use lukewarm water rather than hot water to wash your face.
    • Don’t squeeze blackheads or pimples.
    • Stay hydrated

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    About The Author

    Kushneet Kukreja

    A postgraduate in Biotechnology from Kingston University and an ISSA Certified Specialist in Fitness & Nutrition, Kushneet Kukreja is a passionate writer who works in close association with the dermatologists at our head office to generate valuable and scientifically accurate content for our blog.