Skin Care
Habits That Are Bad For Your Skin
All of us have a deep desire of flaunting and maintaining a smooth and glowing skin and we go to great lengths in order to achieve this desire. From practicing an ideal skin care routine to consulting with a dermatologist to understand your skin tone and texture to opting for...
Why Overnight Pimple Solutions Does Not Work?
Pimples or acne, as we know them, are a skin lesion with an acute inflammation brought about by certain factors such as excessive sebum production, pollution, dirt, hormonal imbalance, puberty, stress, lifestyle changes to name a few. Pimples affect mostly growing teens or those in their early twenties but there...
What Is An Ingrown Hair & How To Remove It?
Ingrown hair can be painful and displeasing. They may also result in red spots on the skin that are raised and cause immense pain. If proper care is not taken they can be infected and secrete pus-like fluid. Ingrown hair is apparent and needs to be treated for cosmetic as...
Tips For Having A Clear And Glowing Skin
It is no secret that we all wish to have a smooth, flawless and glowing skin. All those beautiful actresses with their clear skin have been awe-inspiring for all of us. Not everyone is blessed to have a naturally glowing skin. Rather than flaunting flawless skin, we more often than...
What Are The Different Types Of Scar Tissues & How To Get Rid Of Them?
Scar tissues can be formed due to injury or trauma. They can be painful at first and if they are present at a noticeable spot, then it becomes displeasing. These scar tissues not just mar your appearance but hamper your self-esteem too. The appearance of these scars can be reduced...
The Best Skin Care Routine During Pregnancy
Pregnancy is an important milestone in a woman’s life. Congratulations to all those soon-to-be-mothers reading this post. While the cliché is your skin has a glow while you carry, this seems to be true in only certain cases. There are several skin problems that can manifest when you carry a...
Blisters On The Skin – Types, Causes & Treatments
With our skin being the largest organ of our body, it is no wonder that it is one of the most affected organs. No matter how hard you try to shield yourself from the external environment, there is always a slight chance of your skin getting affected with various skin...
How To Get Rid Of Oily Skin?
Oily skin can be a major issue as it can lead to clogged skin pores, pimples, and other skin problems. It can be tough to get rid of oily skin but by following the right kind of treatment and skin care, one can attain a smooth and healthy skin texture....
How To Shrink Large & Enlarged Pores On The Face
Our skin consists of two kinds of pores spread all across. They include the pores that secrete the sebum or natural body oils and the other ones that release sweat. These oil releasing pores sometimes appear enlarged and unsightly. The large pores on face can also be due to excess...
How To Cure Acne Scars & Pimple Marks?
Everybody loves to flaunt bright and clear skin which is free of blemishes, spots, and other skin conditions. However, more often than not, we seldom get a chance to fulfill this wish and end up with damaged skin! One of these skin conditions is nasty looking scars which are the...