Hair Care
Top Myths And Facts About PRP Hair Loss Treatment
Hair loss is a sensitive subject and unfortunately owing to the times we live in, there is information overload on this topic on every possible media platform. Most people find it difficult to wrap their heads around the varied opinions floating around regarding the different hair loss treatments available in...
How To Treat Temple Hair Loss?
Your hairline is a frame for your face. When the hair loss starts to occur, particularly patterned hair loss the frontal hairline begins to recede and widens the forehead. Most people find it alarming when their hair starts thinning at the temples because they realise they are suffering from acute...
How To Reduce Hair Loss?
Hair loss is a common problem that both men and women experience at some point in their lives, albeit differently. Hair loss has become common in both men and women of all ages nowadays. Before exploring hair loss solutions and treatment options, you should learn about the causes of varying...
Hair Growth Cycle: Structure of Hair & 3 Stages Explained
Do you feel alarmed every time you notice hair fall? Are you aware that hair shedding is a regular part of the hair growth cycle? Well, losing 50-100 strands a day is normal, and you need not panic. Keep reading to know all about the hair growth cycle and get...
13 Best Tips To Regrow Thicker Hair Naturally
If you are trying to achieve that gorgeous mane of your dreams, this article will help you. We provide hair regrowth tips and tricks that have come straight from the top dermatologists in the country. How Does Hair Loss Occur? The below image depicts the characteristics of hair loss with...
How to Improve Hair Regrowth With This Amazing Treatment
It might surprise you, but millions of people in the world suffer from hair loss. According to the recent statistics, 40% of men below the age of 35 undergo an evident loss of hair. The figure goes up with age as around 65% of men end up losing their hair...
Causes Of Hair Loss In Teenagers: Treatment And Prevention
Hair loss is a common problem faced by everyone; from adults to teenagers. While hair loss is common among adults, it is not a common occurrence in teenagers as the vitality of hair growth is considered to be quite stable during this age. However, there are possibilities of a teenager...
Thyroid Condition & Hair Loss – What Can You Do About It?
People often forget hormonal imbalances can be the cause of a long list of issues that do not seem to change with certain treatments. Whether it is fatigue, mood swings or even hair loss, it can all be attributed to issues with one’s hormones. Hair loss linked to thyroid disease...
Revealed! Highly Effective Method For Hair Regrowth
It might surprise you, but millions of people in the world suffer from hair loss. According to the recent statistics, 40% of men below the age of 35 undergo an evident loss of hair. The figure goes up with age as around 65% of men end up losing their hair...
Biotin For Hair Growth – Benefits & Side Effects
We often complain of hair thinning and hair fall, especially with the extremely volatile climatic conditions and the quality of water, and we seek help for our hair and skin. Then comes the need for essential vitamins and minerals which are important for the nourishment of our hair. Biotin is...