Rice Water For Hair

Rice Water for Hair: Benefits, Recipes & Hair Growth Tips

People in China and Japan swear by rice water to strengthen their hair and prevent greying. This was once a secret, but now thanks to social media, the benefits of rice water for hair are all over the internet. Beauty influencers, hairstylists, hair specialists and product developers across the globe...


Melanin-Rich Foods for Healthy Hair and Preventing Greying

It is not uncommon for hair health to take a hit as we age. Dry, brittle hair that quickly starts to turn grey is a common aspect of ageing. This is because ageing slows down melanin production in our body, leading to greying hair, which is often prone to oxidative...

Keratin Hair Treatment Cost In India: Benefits & Side Effects

Keratin hair treatment has become a popular option for those looking to manage their hair easily. It is a sought-after treatment for smooth and frizz-free hair. If you are considering keratin treatment for your hair, then here is all the information you need before you opt for it. Keep reading...

scalp exfoliation

Scalp Exfoliation: Benefits, Techniques & Home Remedies

Exfoliating your scalp is essential for healthier, shinier hair from roots to tips. [1] Scalp exfoliation involves physical or chemical exfoliants to remove extra skin cells, oil, and dandruff. You can make many scalp exfoliants at home using the items available. Read on to learn about the benefits of scalp...

finasteride for hair loss

Finasteride For Hair Loss: Uses, Dosage & Side Effects

Hair loss, scientifically known as alopecia, is a common condition and can be a distressing experience, affecting self-esteem and confidence. Among various treatments available, a proven solution is Finasteride for hair loss. This comprehensive guide delves into the intricacies, answering questions like – can Finasteride regrow hair? What are Finasteride...

PRP Hair Treatment Pre And Post Care Instructions

PRP, or Platelet-Rich Plasma treatment, is a revolutionary procedure for those struggling with hair loss. The treatment harnesses the power of platelets derived from your own blood to rejuvenate hair follicle activity and stimulate hair regrowth. To achieve the best results, proper care after the PRP treatment and adequate preparation...