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How To Remove Hair From Neck, Back And Shoulder?

back, neck and shoulder hair removal
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    Having hair less body is now a desirable goal for both men and women. As we grow older, hair grows in undesired locations like back, neck and shoulder. In the past, hair removal options were fairly limited. However, today there is a wide range of solutions that can effectively remove hair quickly, safely and often with long-lasting results.

    Causes Of Hair Growth On Back, Neck & Shoulder

    Walking around with a hairy back, furry shoulder and bearded neck can have a devastating effect on both men and women. But why are some of us blessed with hairless bodies while some of us look unevolved apes?

    • Androgen: Excessive body hair can be caused due to a male hormone called androgen. These “androgens” cause the development of masculine features such as thick body and facial hair, deep voice etc. When the body starts to produce androgens in large quantity, it leads to hormonal imbalance and excessive body hair.
    • Hirsutism: An escalated level of androgen in females is called Hirsutism. A severe health condition that can also cause weight gain and disrupt menstrual cycle, hirsutism must be treated immediately.
    • Hypertrichosis: Unlike hirsutism, hypertrichosis is a condition that only affects men. Hypertrichosis causes abnormal hair density, length and thickness to hair follicles that are present on shoulder and back. It is a genetic abnormality and definitely not a dangerous medical condition, but more of a cosmetic concern.

    Must Read: Laser Treatment For Body Hair Removal

    Why To Have Hairless Back, Neck And Shoulder?

    It may seem like men have it easier when it comes to grooming, but that is not always the case. There are many reasons why you can opt to remove this beauty hindrance forever irrespective of whether you are male or female suffering from thick hair growth in unwanted places –

    • To enhance your appearance
    • To keep up with hygiene and cleanliness
    • To make your significant others happy
    • To improve your physical performance
    • To reduce sweat production and feel cooler

    How To Remove Hair From Back, Neck And Shoulder?

    Permanent solution is often sought after for unwanted hair removal, as it offers so many benefits. Nobody wants to spend their precious time and money repeatedly over something that can be banished for good. There are some long lasting solutions to remove back, neck and shoulder hair –

    • Laser Hair Removal: A highly successful and popular method to remove body hair permanently, Laser is considered one the most effective cosmetic treatment. Laser hair removal can be used on any part of the body and can cover large body parts (ideal for back and shoulder). The procedure may cause few side-effects (such as swelling, redness and irritation).

    • Electrolysis Hair Removal: A cosmetic treatment that destroys hair follicles by passing an electrical current through a needle directly to the hair follicle. The electrical current damages the hair follicle completely which is then removed with a tweezer. It is mainly used in smaller areas. And it can be painful and time consuming. There are certain side effects of electrolysis hair removal. It is also costlier as compared to laser hair removal.

    Other Methods To Get Rid Of Hairy Back, Neck And Shoulder

    There are more options to remove hair from neck, shoulder and back on temporary basis. Hair removal is a constant maintenance if you want to have smooth hair free skin on a daily basis. Here are some popular options –

    • Depilatory Creams – A pain free method, depilatory creams or lotions are spread onto the skin, left for 5 minutes and then wiped away leaving your skin hair less and gorgeous. Depilatory creams have known to cause itchiness and skin discoloration as they contain harsh chemicals.
    • Waxing: A painful method to remove body hair, waxing will provide smoother skin for a few weeks and will gradually decrease the growth rate and thickness of body hair. However, waxing is time consuming and excruciatin.
    • Sugaring: Similar to waxing, sugaring does not involve hot wax or strips. A blob of sugar paste is spread on your skin and then gently rolled in the same direction of hair growth. Sugaring requires professional help and can be very expensive also very painful.

    When weighing the two methods, each has its own merits and demerits. However, permanent hair removal especially Laser hair removal provides more benefits than other hair removal methods.

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    How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost? 

    The overall cost of back, neck & shoulder varies based on your skin type, the thickness of hair, the colour of hair and skin, type of skin, choice of laser technology used, underlying health condition and experience of the dermatologist. Here is the minimum and maximum prices of each session

    • Back: 12,500 to 23,500
    • Neck: 5,000 to 10,000
    • Shoulder: 5,300 to 9,900

    Must Read: How Much Does Laser Hair Removal Cost In India?

    Having body hair is not life threatening but it can lower your self-esteem. Don’t let body hair be the reason to stop you from flaunting your impeccable body. Find out what you can do to achieve flawless, hairless and smooth skin and reach out to an expert dermatologist for a permanent fix.

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    About The Author

    Kushneet Kukreja

    A postgraduate in Biotechnology from Kingston University and an ISSA Certified Specialist in Fitness & Nutrition, Kushneet Kukreja is a passionate writer who works in close association with the dermatologists at our head office to generate valuable and scientifically accurate content for our blog.